Letter Of Map Amendment Fema. Experienced Mapping Analysts can do the following work for you Donate by: Eckman Engineering LLC Coming up for bid on the NHPBS Spring Auction (https://nhpbs.org/auction/): Is your home mapped on a flood zone F. We are a FEMA Certified Provider for the Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) and we can remove your structure from the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirement.
If you find that the Lowest Adjacent Grade (LAG) of the structure is above the FEMA Base Flood Elevation (BFE), a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) of removal is possible.
Recognizing that these situations do occur, FEMA established administrative procedures to change the designation for these properties on the FIRM.
An official amendment, by letter, to an effective FIRM. It is typically used where the floodplain is filled with This is a more substantial map change. Electronic letter of map amendment (eloma) overview the federal emergency management agency (fema) has designed a web-based tool for licensed land surveyors and professional engineers.