Letter Of Map Amendment. Review our handy flow-chart to see if the LOMA application process is right for you. A Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) is an official amendment, by letter, to an effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map.
Conditional Letters of Map Revision (CLOMRs). § CLOMRs comment on the impact of a proposed project to floodplain boundaries, floodway boundaries, or BFEs § Must be followed by as-built LOMRs.
Besides Letter Of Map Amendment, LOMA has other meanings.
Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA): A letter from FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land — that is on naturally high ground and has not been elevated by fill — would not be inundated by the base flood. LOMAs are usually issued because a property has been inadvertently. A Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) is an official amendment, by letter, to an effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map.