Lockout Tagout Training Template. Training should not only include OSHA requirements, but also your own specific. Lockout/Tagout Compliance Training Kit - This kit (part number PSL-LOTO-TRAIN) takes you step-by-step through the process of establishing a LOTO program at your company.
He's never seen the machine before, and he can't reach anyone from the company.
Lockout-tagout (LOTO) software will help your team become experts in LOTO.
Track lockout-tagout activity in your maintenance management software to improve workplace safety. LOCK-OUT / TAG-OUT SAFETY TRAINING Introduction Welcome to Lock-out Tag-out Training "So I m on the job one day, doing some repair on a cutting machine.replacing a guide on the Control of Hazardous Energy Equipment-Specific Lockout/Tagout Procedure (ELP) Template Instructions. Lockout/tagout training and practice is crucial to keeping your employees safe and in compliance.