Lockout Tagout Checklist Template. A lockout-tagout (LOTO) procedure is a safety system used to prevent accidental or unauthorized access to electrical power sources that are undergoing maintenance or other work. Lock out tag out (also known as lock and tag or LOTO) is a procedure which companies and people working in the industries use to ensure dangerous machines and equipment are properly shut Other popular safety templates you can use for free.
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This lockout/tagout program has been developed to establish procedures for de-energizing machines, equipment and processes to ensure Authorized Employee: An employee authorized to implement lockout/tagout procedures on machines or equipment to perform maintenance or servicing work.
OSHA requires employers to establish a Lockout Tagout program and use procedures for affixing appropriate lockout devices or tag out devices to energy isolating devices, and to otherwise disable machines or equipment to prevent. A written lockout document establishes and explains the elements of Learn what equipment you need to effectively use lockout tagout in your facility with our downloadable checklist. The lockout tagout process is unique for every machine in every industry.