Living Revocable Trust Template. Download my sample trust agreement template. Use our Revocable Living Trust form to transfer your estate and other assets to your heirs easily and quickly, avoiding court processes.
A revocable living trust is a legal device that can be used to manage your property during your lifetime and to distribute your property after your death.
A revocable living trust--sometimes simply called a living trust--is a legal entity created to hold ownership of an individual's assets.
Revocable trusts, however, have several limitations including the expense to have them written up, and they lack features of an irrevocable trust. In almost all cases, it is the grantor who reserves this right when the trust is created. A revocable living trust is created by an individual (the Grantor) for the purpose of holding their assets and property, and in order to dictate how said assets and property will be distributed upon the Grantor's death.